Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beer, Beards, and Being Offended

Lately there has been a flood of offenses hitting the shores lately.  Gay marriage has been legalize.  The Confederate Battle Flag has been banned.  Dukes of Hazard pulled from rerun TV.  Marijuana legalization continues to made strides one prescription pot card at a time.

So, what does the bearded bullshitter have to say about it?  Well, for starters, lets talk beer.

Tonight's beer of choice is Samuel Adams Porch Rocker.  It's a limited edition summer seasonal fit for a nice on the porch after a long day in the sun.  It's a shandy style beer that is one part lager and one part lemonade. 

While not as crisp and refreshing as say a Leinenkugel Summer Shandy, I still enjoyed it. I doubt I could drink a solid sixer... but after mowing the grass today for over an hour it hit the spot.

I'm on my 4th of a six pack I picked up in Florida and while I'll probably enjoy the other two, I can't see myself picking up another six-pack unless it's on sale... or I find myself on a way to a pool party.  Anyway, back on topic.

I have a bit of a revelation the other day.  When I was thinking about how the en-vogue thing is to be offended I started thinking about what I, personally, was offended about and why.  It was a rather short thought.  There isn't much that offends me.  What to light the American Flag on fire? Go right ahead.  What to throw a few racial slurs my way about being a honky, a cracker, and/or a ginger?  Knock yourself out.  Want to insult my family heritage? I won't stop you.  Kinda surprising that I would feel that way, yes?

Well, here's the deal.  It's a simple equation.  It takes the choice of two parties for an offense to happen.  Party A, the offender, has to chose an action with the sole intention of eliciting a reaction from the target.  Once Party B recognizes the action as offensive then the offense has happened.  Here's the thing though, being offended is a transfer of power.  Once the intended target has become offended they relinquish power to the offender.  They acknowledge them as right in that their actions would be perceived as offensive.  Part of it is attention too.  Look at the Westboro Baptist nutjobs.  The more attention they get the louder they get.  The more offended people get the more powerful they get.  It's like throwing gasoline and gun powder on a fire.  The moment you recognize somehting as offensive you give it, and the offender, the power.

So, my choice is to be empowered.  You can have your Freedom of Speech, and I'll retain my Freedom to not be offended by your speech.  You can have your Freedom of Assembly, and I'll retain my Freedom to not give a shit about your little group and whatever cause they have.  You can have your Freedom of Action, and I'll laugh at your absurd cries for attention as you symbolically show hatred of America by burning a flag that was most likely made in China.

That's true power.  The power to not be offended.  That's where Freedom of Choice comes into play.  I cannot control anyones actions by my own.  I can't stop someone from saying something I disagree with, doing something i don't approve of, or any of that crap.  All I can do is control how I act and react to the world around me.  The more I become offended the less control I have.  The more I become offended the more power I give to other people.  The more I become offended the more attention I give to those who seek it.

So, wave your Confederate Flags. Marry you same-sex lover.  Smoke your marijuana.  Be proud tha t your black.  Burn your bras. Quote and misquote the Bible, Qur'an, or Talmud any which way you want to justify your misogyny, misandry, bigotry, racism, classism, and ignorance.  Idolize secular TV stars and political puppets for their psuedo-science and idealistic naivety.  Drink the Cool-Aid, buy whatever bridge in NY is for sale.

Be offended, that's not just your privilege it's your right.

It's also my right and my privilege to not be offended.

It really is that simple.  Are you going to keep marching to the beat of someone else's drum, or are you going to realize the choice and ultimately the power is yours and yours alone.  Don't give that up.  It's too precious and too rare a gift.  Don't marginalize it by allowing someone else to dictate your emotions and offend you.  Make the empowered choice to ignore then and just carry on with your life.

1 comment:

  1. Leinenkugel Summer Shandy. I've yet to meet a Leinenkugel I didn't like.

    One minor point of contention: "It takes the choice of two parties for an offense to happen. Party A, the offender, has to chose an action with the sole intention of eliciting a reaction from the target."

    Party A can offend accidentally or with onion like layers of intent.

    Other than that, I would love it if you talked a bit about what beers the neophyte can just ignore. Which beer pairs best with wings or specific questions, you know... IMPORTANT questions.
